Jingle All the Way

Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year! I’m the person that listens to Christmas music and decorates before Thanksgiving. My mindset is that if you enjoy something why not enjoy it for a little bit longer.  

I love Christmas because I get to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth, spend time with my family, see my dog, enjoy all the Christmas decorations, and take a break from school. My mom likes to deck out the house in Christmas decorations including her leg lamp from The Christmas Story. 

At my house, the Christmas festivities start on Christmas Eve. We start with opening our Christmas pajamas and doing the Nut Gift—a Swedish tradition where you put an almond in pudding and whoever gets it gets a gift. We then sing Christmas songs until we go to bed. Then on Christmas Day, I’m usually the last person awake and my brothers come in my room and bug me until I wake up. When I’m finally awake, we all have to stay at the top of the stairs until our parents give us the go-ahead and we take pictures on the stairs. We then all open presents one by one and then we play games.

1 comment

  1. Debby Hoyt

    We can’t wait for you to come home for Christmas 🎄!

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